Monday, August 1, 2011

a SUCCESS in summer reading!!!

Literally moments before I left to meet my family in Midway for our mini-vacation last week, I ran to the downtown Barnes&Noble for a book to read by the pool. It had been forever since I'd read a good book --I mean a book that I really loved.  But I didn't really have time to sit and read the backs of books for hours to find the perfect one.  So I stuck with the classics section and grabbed this one (Siddhartha) hoping it would take me somewhere adventurous and exotic in India.
I couldn't have been more pleasantly surprised. It's a beautiful, engaging novel about a Buddha-contemporary (also by the name of Siddhartha) and his extremely interesting and enlightening spiritual journey. I really identified with the main character and the book gave me many insights into my own life. Definitely one of my favorite books, and I'm actually considering re-reading it -something I've never done with a book before. *****/*****
So if you're looking for a good summer read, it's relatively short and has it on sale for about $5.
click book cover to be linked to Barnes&

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